For her Psychology master’s degree, the author researched what makes extremely successful people different from the average population
The Code To Success
Key Findings
1. Childhood Controversy
The participants acknowledged that it was adversity that moulded them into the persons they became, and potentially guided them in their professional choices, leading to their ultimate business success.
2. Self-Awareness
The individuals all possessed high levels of self-awareness, which enabled them to accurately assess their own strengths and weaknesses. This enabled them to surround themselves with the right team. They all recognise that without their employee’s support, they could have never achieved the levels of success they desired.
3. Dealing with Adversity
None of the participants considered adversity as a real setback; they all chose to view it rather as a challenge that needed to be solved. Some of them also saw it as a source of motivation and an excellent opportunity to learn.
4. Humility
All the participants of this study were elite business people, who were extremely successful in their respective fields. However, while they were aware of what they have achieved, they treated it almost as a piece of factual information and were modest in relation to their accomplishments.
5. Growth Mindset
All the participants of the study possessed a growth mindset - they believe in further developing themselves through a combination of hard work, strategy, and constructive feedback.